Saturday, August 22, 2009

My blog posts are so borinnnnnnggggg.

They work us so hard it's not even funny. Like honestly? I know I've been tested before..but not like this. I've been thrown into something so completely different from anything else.

But I laugh so hard in this house. We have hour long sing a longs as we work.

Yeah..I get to work at 7:30 every day, and we leave between 6 and 7..except for on extra training days, when we leave around 10. That's a long day.

Friday nights are the one possible night when we can chill out and stop thinking about work. It's pretty amazing. Tonight I just wanted to bake for everyone..I've been wanting to for the past 17 days..and I made a gooey butter cake. Cut into 40 not everyone got a bite-sized piece, but everyone loved it, and it made me so happy. I love how people were saying I was the best cook's the easiest thing to make ever. I think it was extra delicious because we roadies live off rice cakes and sandwiches and cans of corn and easy mac.. but I bought some bulk stuff at the grocery store, and I make sandwiches at lunch with turkey, feta cheese and avocado or home-made guacamole. SO GOOD. At night I have lean pockets, and while we're at the morning I have cream of wheat. I quite satisfied with these selections. I'm glad the bulk of this post is about food..I could be talking about how these weeks have affected me as a person, but instead I tell you about my eating habits.

In a similarly shallow vein, we were in downtown San Diego for an event one night and ran into Kipton, the runner-up on The Bachelorette. Needless to say, I was pumped.

Screenings have been booked around Lubbock..and I cannot wait to share this story inside my old schools..inside my church..

That's all I've got for now. It's time for bed.

I am thankful every day that I wake up for those people who have helped me get here, and for those who are so supportive and encouraging.


  1. I, for one, am very interested in your eating habits and don't find find your blog posts boring in the least :)
    love you sisterrrrrr

  2. I'm so proud of you! I hope you find time to rest in the midst of busy-ness!
