Friday, February 12, 2010


i just watched jonsi birgisson's first solo video - for the song "go do." it
confirmed that he is absolutely my favorite artist. by an immense long-shot.
it's almost as if every time jonsi sets out to create something, whether it be within sigur ros, riceboy sleeps, or on his own, he first asks, "how can i
shape this into a way that will cause melissa carter's heart to explode?"

what is it in life that really sets your heart on fire? if you are a follower of
Jesus, it is probably that thing that just causes you to worship.
as far as i know, jonsi is not a Jesus follower. but it is his work that has so often caused me to fall on my knees in praise.

i am so thankful that God meets me in such places of beauty. when it is not an experience accompanied with sigur ros/jonsi, it is in the parks and
forests of tennessee, the mountains of new mexico and colorado, or the
beaches of south georgia.

when i see jonsi perform in new york city, i know it will be a religious
experience, just as it was when i saw sigur ros at the chicago theater in
september of 2008.

i know not everyone hears what i hear when i listen to sigur ros. i know not
everyone sees what i see when i flip through the pages of a riceboy sleeps
book. but i know there are things others see and things others hear that i
do not. things that set their hearts ablaze as mine hardly skips a beat.

april 6 is the day when jonsi's album releases. i plan to take the day off, andgo on an adventure in east texas with my new treasure.

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