Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is my life today.

Loving my pup Franklin so much.
especially when he pounces
Wintersleep, Explosions and Bon Iver.
and maybe a little Sufjan
Wondering if my sarcasm is too much.
and loving to be hit with it by others
Kettle corn, sugar free fudgepops, and veggie patties.
ooh! and curry
A desire to create.
admiring the creators around me
Seeing Scripture come alive in a new way as I open commentaries.
particularly Acts
Large levels of excitement as I dream of seeing Jonsi in New York.
with my dear friend Kendra
Eagerly awaiting warmth so I can go on long walks.
they refresh my spirit
Cherishing particular friendships a lot.
they refresh my spirit
Loving the moment while dreaming of the future.
my heart tells me it will be bright

1 comment:

  1. I think we have slightly different tones (sarcasm an exception). I like. And I'm always intrigued by stylized formatting choices.
